Ecommerce sites can easily turn their category pages into high-traffic landing pages by adding unique, useful content. This used to involve custom-coding a content field into your category page templates, which was often not even possible when using a software-as-a-service (SAAS) vendor. Luckily, most major eCommerce platforms are starting to offer easier ways of adding content to category pages.
Without unique, useful content a category page is really just a list of products, each with a small amount of content that is duplicated on the actual product page itself. All other things being equal, a category page with unique, useful content is going to out-rank one without it. Furthermore, the content at the top of the page can help usher visitors through the conversion funnel, help answer common questions, and offer an opportunity to introduce your branding and voice. Never make the mistake of writing this copy just for search engines… What type of content to put on category pages One word: Useful. What you want to do here is answer common questions and instruct the visitor on what to do next. Explain the difference between major brands, or call out the most popular models. Do not simply write filler copy for search engines. And, above all, do not just write a generic description that goes on all category pages, even if you dynamically change the category name.
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